idbeholda: Gain Computer Area Map item (active until next map level)
idbeholdi: Gain Blur Artifact (can be toggled on/off)
idbeholdl: Gain light-amplification visor (can be toggled on/off)
idbeholdr: Gain radiation suit (can be toggled on/off)
idbeholds: Gain Berserk Pack (can be toggled on/off)
idbeholdv: Gain Invulnerability Artifact (can be toggled on/off)
idchoppers: Gain chain saw (cannot be toggled off)
idclev##: Warp to map ## (first # is Episode number, second # is map 1 to 9)
iddqd: Toggle "invincibility" on/off (when toggled on, health is set to 100%)
iddt: Type 3 times in Automap mode to 1) Reveal map, 2) Add Objects, 3) Reset
Alt-tiddt: Like iddt but Objects include opponents (game versions before 1.9)
idfa: Gain all weapons, full ammo, 200% armor (game versions 1.4 and above)
idkfa: Gain 3 keys, all weapons, full ammo, 200% armor
idmus##: Use music track ## (## is a number from 11 to 45; full version 1.9)
idmypos: Flash a message giving player's angle and coordinates in hexadecimal
idspispopd: Toggle player's ability to walk through walls on/off


idbeholda: Gain Computer Area Map item (active until next map level)
idbeholdi: Gain Blur Artifact (can be toggled on/off)
idbeholdl: Gain light-amplification visor (can be toggled on/off)
idbeholdr: Gain radiation suit (can be toggled on/off)
idbeholds: Gain Berserk Pack (can be toggled on/off)
idbeholdv: Gain Invulnerability Artifact (can be toggled on/off)
idchoppers: Gain chain saw (cannot be toggled off)
idclev##: Warp to map ## (## are two digits of any map level, 01 to 32)
idclip: Toggle player's ability to walk through walls on/off
iddqd: Toggle "invincibility" on/off (when toggled on, health is set to 100%)
iddt: Type 3 times in Automap mode to 1) Reveal map, 2) Add Objects, 3) Reset
Alt-tiddt: Like iddt but Objects include opponents (game versions before 1.9)
idfa: Gain all weapons, full ammo, 200% armor
idkfa: Gain 3 keys, all weapons, full ammo, 200% armor
idmus##: Use music track ## (## is a two-digit number from 01 to 35)
idmypos: Flash a message giving player's angle and coordinates in hexadecimal

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